Growing up with a love for competitive sports and nature I found myself active and constantly moving at all times.

My mother will tell you I’m the child who could never sit still.

I had a love adventure yet excelled in the classroom, always having a desire to find out the why behind every question.

Upon starting high school my life turned upside when I suddenly felt out of control of my own body and mind.

Despite being active and constantly on the go, I gained nearly 40 lbs my freshman year with no known reason.

By doctors standards I was healthy and experiencing normal hormonal weight gain, but I knew deep down that was not the case.

I started to suffer from anxiety, depression, extreme fatigue and entered a phase of disordered eating. 

While constantly exercising more and more I restricted calories, depleting my body of nutrients, becoming weaker and weaker.

During my senior year I smashed my foot while longboarding, when placing my foot to the pavement to slow myself down.

My weak bones disintegrated into my blood.

I had years and years of reconstructive surgeries, which my body continuously rejected.

At the time of my last surgery I hadn’t walked in over three years and my leg was smaller than my arm.

I cringed to touch it, but was determined to reteach myself to walk and one day run.

Mid college I was diagnosed with PCOS and suddenly many of my struggles began to make sense. 

Through my own research and discovery I learned of holistic and functional approaches to nutrition and health.

This allowed me to take back control of my mental and physical health. Something I never thought to be possible. 

I found a love for yoga, meditation and nourishing my body with whole foods. 

And one day in yoga class, I finally was able to wiggle my toes, a movement I hadn’t felt in nearly five years. 

At this moment I knew nothing could hold me back.

Flash forward 3 years later and I consider myself to be an active hiker, snowboarder, rock climber and sometimes runner.

I truly believe food is medicine and given half the chance, the body will heal itself. 

I encourage my clients to participate in the use of whole foods, mindfulness practices, and daily habit building techniques, reminding them the body is capable of more than ever thought possible.